What if after the tunnel incident, Steve Rogers signed the Sokovia Accords? What if both Adelaide Lehnsherr and her lover, James 'Bucky' Barnes, were transported to a psychological center in America after he signed the Accords?
What would happen to them then?
2016. Berlin.
All Adelaide Lehnsherr ever wanted was to be happy. From the very first moment she stepped into the apartment of her boyfriend, James Barnes, also affectionately known as 'Bucky', in Bucharest, Romania, she could breathe again. The painful events of Ultron and Sokovia, as well as the burden of the years before, was behind her. The two were finally starting a life together, and she was nearly about to drop everything to move in with her boyfriend in Romania before that peace was shattered.
First Lagos happened.
Then the Accords.
Then the love of Steve's life, Peggy Carter, died.
And finally, the masked black cat-man came after them to kill them, claiming they killed his father in some freak bombing at the United Nations building in Vienna.
Adelaide and Bucky had no choice but to run, but they were soon caught and transferred to a CIA facility in Berlin.
Steve had no choice but to sign the Accords, but little did he know that Adelaide, his fellow Avenger, would not be given the same choice.
Stripped of her rights, and her powers, she and Bucky are seperated and thrust into the cold, clinical environment of an American psych center, where they must fight to declare their innocence to the world - that they were only victims of HYDRA, not willing killers.
Disclaimer: has mild smut and PTSD symptoms (BE WARNED, READ AT OWN RISK)
Bucky Barnes had found refuge on a small farm in Montana two years ago.
It was there that the Winter Soldier seemed to disappear from his mind and Bucky was able to be himself again.
He fell in love with a young woman. Ray introduced him into a world of acceptance and love. She showed him that he deserved to be happy.
Of course, HYDRA wouldn't truly let go of their Winter Solider.
And after certain events led to his and Ray's capture, and they found refuge in Wakanda, Bucky decided that his best option was to go back under until they could completely wipe The Winter Solider from his mind.
All that was a year ago.
Ray had spent that year on the run with Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, and Natasha Romanoff, all while wondering when it would be time fo bring Bucky back to life.
But when Ray suddenly and randomly falls ill, they have no choice but to return to Wakanda and bring him to life.
Their only hope in saving Ray's life is finding the man that's hidden so well from the world.
| Somewhat AU Bucky B. fan fiction |
|| I do not own any of the Marcel characters ||