She is real. She looks as if she is a little girl. She has clean blond hair that goes down to her lower back. She wears a long, white night gown that looks as if it's been used to mop up a dirty diner floor. She has pale skin with scars all over her. Her eyes are huge with a gorgeous shade of blue. She isn't touching the ground. She would sing nursery rhymes a lot when she's around me.The craziest part is that only I can see or hear her. She's been here for a month. At first I thought I was crazy like everyone I tried to talk to said I was. My girlfriend left me. I lost my job. Even my own mother laughed in my face when I told her a little girl is stalking me. I'm slowly losing my mind.I'm not crazy. OKAY?! I am not crazy. I looked her up online and there have been several people she has stalked. They're all dead! Most of them were either drowned or suicide. Some of them think she is the ghost of Princess Marie. Someone called her Nightmare Marie. I look at her and I see the eyes of a monster with a lust for blood. I don't know who she's going to stalk next but theres nothing I can do about this! I'm pretty much going to die so why not tell the world about what ever the hell that is! So that they know! After I'm done writing this, I'm going to kill myself so that I die on my own terms. The gun is by my laptop now. Ever since I put it there, Marie's singing has been louder than usual. She's singing ring around the rosie slowly. It's the creepiest thing I've ever heard in my life and sadly the last thing.She's going to leave after I die.... and you might be next. You might not even know she's there. Just know that you might be her next victim and theres nothing you can do about it. All I can say is BEWARE OF NIGHTMARE MARIE!All Rights Reserved