A Galaxy far and wide, conquered by meer mortals made of stone called the Talepétrians. Metamorphs, Sedimentarians, and Igneosians all lived in peace, and eventually, it was their natural way of life and all live happily under the blue sun... until the Primatorians attacked and destroyed the High Council of Krystallos and enslaved half the Crystalline Galaxar Empire the Talepétrians worked hard to create. All work, all pain, no sleep, no gain... and all that suffering will come to an end as a family of great renown rises to the occasion and try and save their great world, the Räck family leads the charge after their kinds' so-called hero, Fəlo Sferican Stone, didn't show up for the galaxar battle but no matter as the Räck family has more than twice the support Fəlo had and more. Will their efforts be in vain or will they succeed and banish the traitors to the empire?