Shiro Mae Fajardo is a dedicated student of Chaó Yáng University along with her best friend Lynx Bañes, but the two of them mostly have the world on their own and never let anyone be part of them for they rarely trust anyone from the prestigious university they entered. As they're taking their research they have a merge with another college and they met Asher Ning, who's one of the prominent students at their University. She is from a politician's family and is even friends with the University owner's nephew. She seems to like Shiro to be her friend and pursues her but Shiro's always in doubt. Asher's childhood best friends Yangyang Amelle Liu, Nathaniel "Nana" Lim, and Mark Gonzales are worried about her and besides that, they don't want to meet Zhong Austin (The University Owner's nephew) and Shiro because they know how chaotic will be if he meets an unruly like her. As Asher continually pursues Shiro and chased her again, Shiro unintentionally gets off herself from Asher's grip on her shoulders and helplessly stumbled. Surprisingly, Austin came back from Shanghai without noticing his friends about it and misunderstood everything. He aggressively grabbed Shiro's bag and accidentally drops the headphones which is the old headphone that was given by her father as his last gift. What will happen now to them when Austin just destroyed one of the important things that Shiro treasures the most? Hope you'll enjoy reading Suddenly Love Exists 💕 The update for the next chapter is every Tuesday or Wednesday 🖤 Love, Author Elë 💚All Rights Reserved