35 parts Ongoing Following the events of Iceland's Diary...
Norway buys a diary after getting a discount at the store and uses it to record his life as an older brother, a special someone, a friend.
But Norway played a dangerous game and committed a very grave sin.
So grave.
So grave.
Norway was a fool and must now pay the price.
He must pay.
He must pay.
TW: mentions of... blood, murder, religious themes.
Includes: Norway thinking he's in a cult, Denmark being down bad, Finland beating up Estonia for 10 minutes straight, Sweden falling down the stairs, Iceland being some whacky little dude, Hanatamago being uh.....yeah. Let's not talk about Hanatamago....Dennor, HongIce, SuFin, all that blah.
Author Addition: A more serious read, please beware. I have a lot planned. If you liked Iceland's, you will like this. I pinky promise. There is love. There is family. A very big reptile called Special Treatment. A sin you should not commit. A voice you want to stop hearing but you can't, it's so loud. Nothing and everything at once. And again. A new cycle. And love again, love again. Everything will be okay. But please, join me on this journey: on his journey through redemption.
Updates irregularly. Please stay tuned.