THE OWL HOUSE SEASON 2 SPOILERS (Fem reader, if you want other genders just let me know in a comment and I'll change some things.) You were just part of the research group at the emperor's coven, trying to find a solution to Emperor Belos's...issue. No one takes you seriously because of your age and Belos's is very clearly enjoying your struggle. Coming up empty handed again and again should have you kicked out of the research project, however, Belos likes keeping you around for some reason. It isn't until one fateful day presenting progress do you stumble into someone you've never seen before. His white hair and smooth voice catch you off guard. You later find out his name is Hunter, the Golden Guard. Now that he is no longer wearing his mask, you realize you two share the same dilemma when it comes to being taken seriously and even having friends. Deciding to keep each other company, you learn you both have a lot in common and make extremely good friends. However, there is something more between you two but Hunter's complicated past and your inability to make a move keep the tension stuck in your friendship. Will you find a way to maybe overcome your doubts to be with the boy your starting to fall in love with or will your fantasy be cut short when you realize Belos's true plan? I have never written a reader x _______ before so bare with me I'm new at this. This is for all you Hunter simps (me included) DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN THE OWL HOUSE CHARACTERS AND THE EVENTS THAT OCCUR IN THIS STORY ARE NOT CANNON IN THE SHOW! Thank you and enjoy reading!! <3All Rights Reserved