"For what is life but alternate times of light and shadow? When we work out the shadow part in ourselves, the times of the shadow are not so dark."
We all walk through the shadow. Life has struggles. It's our job to keep moving through the muck, loving ourselves when no one does, until we live a brighter expression of our life. Please don't give up.
We may not know what you have gone through or what you are going through, but we know this, your life and gifts are precious and it will get better. It somehow gets.
In this journey called life, many people come and go but the constant one is YOU and only YOU.
Just know that you are not alone. Just because, no one else can heal or do your inner work for you, DOESN'T MEAN you can, should, or need to do it ALONE.
We can't promise to fix all your problems, but we promise you this, you won't have to face them alone.
You are not alone and this is NOT the end of your story.
If you are willing to let us in, let us help you in any way possible, go head... Hop in.
No ones gonna stop you. No one's gonna judge you.