(Will be posting to AO3 soon. Credit to @vicky.sc.art on Instagram for the cover art.)
It happened on the runway of I-87, right before they reached the exit.
Life was seldom fair -- according to Dream, anyway -- and this was just another testament to that damned mantra.
Life's not fair, Toms, he'd hiss as he ripped the wallet from Tommy's hand. Not fair, kid, he'd continue as he ripped a twenty into confetti, laughing like some lab-coated jackass who'd just activated a doomsday device. Not fair, not fair, not fair, all while Tommy stood, horrified, helpless, and most importantly, useless.
What Dream failed to recognize was that Life didn't turn your money into scraps, sell your belongings for pennies and dimes, or give you an eye black enough to make the night sky jealous. Life wasn't fair, but it also didn't have a vengeance against a 16-year-old kid; Tommy wasn't sure he could say the same about the mask-wearing bastard that smiled come rain or shine, death or tragedy.