I'm was just an average teen caught up in my non- exsistant dream of being a hardcore princess. You see, my childhood mainly revolved around Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White... you know, princess stories. The dream of going to balls in expensive glass slippers and fluffy, frilly dresses, masquerade masks and happily ever afters with a prince seemed somewhat legit and promising. I really, seriously, strongly and emotionally BELIEVED, that by the age of sixteen I would be whisked away by large, strapping, comforting arms and ride off on a sliver horse into the sunset on a Savannah with my very own Prince Charming... I'm an aspiring twenty-three year old cat lady (owner of three cats thus far), my company on Friday nights are NETFLIX and cheep wine, still haven't had my first kiss and I'm that person that lives in their moms basement. I think I failed in life.Todos los derechos reservados
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