Zayn, and Louis were always around each other. Louis didn't think too much about the fact that Zayn followed him everywhere, besides if he mentioned the fact it was a bit annoying his mother would nbe sure to tell him off for not wanting to spend time with his younger cousin. Zayn loved spending time with Louis, and he never could tell when he was being clingy...he thought the world of his older cousin and wanted to be just like matter what it took he wanted to be sure Louis liked spending time with him too.
" Pass me my pack of cigarettes." Louis demands as they pull into the skate park that Louis pratically called home when he wasn't smoking weed and playing fifa.
"Here, wait Lou can I have one?" Zayn asked, his tan hand tossing the pack onto Louis' lap.
"You don't smoke." Louis reminds Zayn, his voice filled with immediate annoyance.
"yeah..actually I d-do." Zayn lies, hoping Louis would give in.
" you're lying, if aunt tilly knew you smoke she'd kill you." Louis chuckles, as he watches his younger cousin buckle under pressure.
"look please." Zayn asked, in his sweet innocent voice, that Louis always fell for.
"God, here you're such a phony." Louis says before peeling the flap of the box open and throwing a white stick Zayn's way.
" You smoke too!" Zayn says mad that Louis thinks that he's allowed to smoke without being a phony.
" Doesn't mean you have to." Louis says finally before getting out of his old car, Zayn following behind him like always.
" I'm not a phony." Zayn whispers under his breath.copyright 
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