once upon a time in a land known as the mainland their live a huge purple wolf. known as Tinky Winky that livelong with his siblings name Dipsy, Lala and po. the four of them lives in peace and harmony and their land but. are also known as the four main killers of the Woods protecting their territory are mostly eat or kill any tubby that comes to them. leaving a great warning on a village known as the Teletubby Village. that whoever comes to the woods or closer to territory they will be dead. as everyone respected of the warnings of the Woods there was one Teletubby that was about to take a risk through the woods to reach to his firend's house on the mountains. he is a white Teletubby with beautiful sapphire eyes and wearing a white Hood and carrying a basket in his hands and was ready to go to the woods only to be hunted by the purple wolf~ /// This is a Tinky Winky x walten completely different and I accidentally found this and found it amusing this is different than my usual sonadow but I find this interesting because I played the game before and I enjoy stories but I'm going to say this one thing sonadow is still my favorite ship of all time and nothing is going to change that this one is my third favorite or 4 if I don't know I count I hope you understand.All Rights Reserved