My eomma once said that I should live life to its fullest. Well, I did it once like skydiving, drinking alcohol, getting a tattoo at the age of 21; things like that. But I guess my vision was wrong, very wrong. She said it was all about finding "the one", finishing school, becoming successful, getting married. Yeah, my vision was twisted. But once my life was perfect. Another group of people came into my life and a lot of shit just happened. A lot of fangirl moments, drama, romance, laughter, fights, tears and... EXO.
Nichole Stephanie Lee is the name. 21 years old, soon-to-be 22. A fangirl for almost 3 years.. of K-Pop. I'm an international fashion designer along with my "abusive" bestfriend Kim Riley Jeon. Yes, she is Jungkook's sister, older sister. And this is my story about getting hungry, falling in love, getting into fights and fangirling.
(c) All copyrights reserved for TresFangirlesxx
Hi, this is my first fanfiction in wattpad. I apologise in advance for the spelling and grammar errors. If the feedbacks are good, then I will continue the story.. Go easy on me.. Kamsahamida~