The Awakener follows the journey of Vasilios Bouras, a young adult in his early twenties, as he finds his way through life trying to "find his own name." After running away from home seven years prior and then graduating from an Elite Mercenary academy, he finds himself thrust into a conflict between the Three-Sisters Nations in Ellisandere's southernmost continent. Forced into a path and conflict he wanted no part in, he puts a plan in motion to escape only to be pushed deeper into the ancient history of the world and a conflict The Empiric Age knows nothing about. Joined by a Lower Syl Ranger as she searches for her husband from a past life, a guide who has lived more lives than he cares to recount, and the fellow Blades from his squad, Vas is about to learn that not everything can be run from and that eventually, destiny will catch up to you. Either alive or dead, it's his choice to make.