summer of 1995 was perfect for kennedy clark... until it wasn't. july seventeenth 1995. greenlake will never forget it. she will never forget it. one minute she's at secret white boy hook up tommy leerys cabin with all her "friends" who would've dare be seen with her out in the real world the next all six of those same "friends" are dead leaving just her and golden retriever boy tommy. skip two whole school years later kennedy is a senior in high school and the rumor that she killed all those kids still echos in the halls and the name given to her by the great racist town of greenlake "finale girl" still remains. everyone thinks she did it. everyone except eli tran. despite living next to each other since the day the both were conceived and being the only non white kids in town eli and kennedy never befriended nor spoke to each other, but that all that changes when the rumor of the so called murderous acts of "finale girl" kennedy clark come true.