"The darkest of nights lead to the lightest of days."
Deathspawn Series, Book 1
"Where one shall see a story, that story tells other stories. One sees only the ever-longing stars that are so far, yet so close to us. They may seem like bright glimpses to the eye, burning suns to the scientists. In truth they tell stories of their own. Their stories to share. While someone can see the vast light of the story of Percy Jackson, others have found stories. But those stories are gone, lost to wind, they then cannot be found again, rarely they can be picked up again by the same storyteller, or by another. Patterns revolve. Things change.
But for one, many stories are still being found and told. But one thing is common for all of them. They do not see their bigger pictures. They cannot find the huger reality. However, what if I told you one actually found that story? I did. A story of love, of salvation, of remembrance. A story untold and not found, many wish to find but never do. Not a simple what if an event happened or was different type of story. Here, everything changes, but is still so close to it's original story. This story is a song of war, of beauty, of an epic tale of bravery, one that will blow your mind. Question the reality of which we know. Everything you know, is about to change.
I shall tell you the story of our hero.
Hail Perseus. But not our, Percy Jackson.
Perseus of the old Greek times, son of Hades."