World renowned TV host (in his own head) Chris McLean comes from Camp Wawanakwa with a new type of reality contest. 22 Teenagers will have to display fortitude, brains, cunning and a different breed of guts while contending with the fierce elements and cute animals. Yeah yeah cute animals let's go with that. In the end there can only be two left standing with chance to win 100,000 BIG ONES. There will be Alliances, Massive Egos Clashing, Disgusting Food, Brutal Challenges and Young Love Blossoming. GET READY TO RIDE THE WAVE; ON TOTAL. DRAMA. ISLAND!
This Re-write story fanfiction belongs to TDGirlsFanForever. Before reading this you need to read All Stars Re-write fanfiction by JasperPie. We DON'T! own Total Drama series.
Chris Mclean - After Gwen/Zoey/Mike won 1 million dollars back in All Stars and Wawanakwa Island was sinked, we came to the new one: Pahkitew Island. So we welcome 14 constentants, who will going to fight for one more million dollars. Welcome on Total... Drama... Pahkitew Island Re-write!!!
Me - Should i make Splatoon version of Total Drama? Or make Total Drma with animatronics in it? Help me choose please.