Pax Europa: Twelve-Starred Banner
6 parts Ongoing 1.1.2044.
Europe is more United than ever before.
From the streets of London, to the calm institutional seats of Brussels, to the arcologies of EU-Held Hong Kong, to the busy suburbs of Australia, to the rebuilding skyscrapers of Moscow, the European Union stands as one of the Two superpowers of Earth. Named after the continent of its origin, yet spread amongst three Continents.
The United States of America and the European Union.
The world is more United than ever. Europe is the Beating Heart of the world, home to One-Billion and Twenty-One million people.
Yet the Beating Heart is about to be ripped out, and thrown into a new Body.
The world of Elysium shall faced with the brutal truth, be faced with the Thirteen stars of Liberty.
Pax Europa, Pax Union.
This is the primary story for Pax Europa. A backup exists just in case bots post. I will update this semi-regularly, hope you enjoy!