Our story begins in 1985 when James Aniston was born in Chicago IL.From a young age James wanted to become a comedian.He idolised David Letterman and Conan O'Brien.James' father, Tom wanted his son to become a lawyer like his mother but supported James in his journey to become a comedian from the beginning.James' mother, Katherine, was a successful lawyer.
Then on September 11th 2001 Katherine had an appointment at the world trade center.She did not survive the terrorist attacks.
The loss of his mother crushed a 16-year-old James.All of his classmates were very supportive and tried to cheer him up.Thanks to his classmates James was back on his feet after a dark period in his life.His classmates tried to also help him with his comedy ambitions as they would always come to wherever James performed.
Senior year came and James was ready to pursue his dream.His mother was very busy as a lawyer but always made time for her son.James tried to pursue his dream and gave everything he could.He performed in local nightclubs and practiced jokes to his friends who were always honest.
He attended the New York Film academy for 4 years and got a degree in writing.He had a great relationship with all of his teachers and never created trouble.
In the meantime his father Tom met a Greek woman and fell in love with her.He would eventually marry the woman.At first James was furious and thought that his father was unfaithful to his mother's legacy but in time and thanks to the understanding that his new step mom showed he embraced her and formed a great friendship over time.
-Άλεξ φοβάμαι.
-Το ξέρω.
-Άλεξ σε αγαπάω.
-Καιγω σε αγαπάω Νεφέλη. Της λέω καθώς τρέχουμε με όλη μας τη δύναμη.
Ξαφνικά ακούγεται πυροβολισμός...
Η ιστορία μιας εφηβης που περνάει δύσκολα καθημερινά. Της συμβαίνουν πολλές ατυχίες στην ζωή της μέχρι που συναντάει κάποιον. Άραγε αυτός ο κάποιος θα της αλλάξει την ζωή προς το καλύτερο ή θα την καταστρέψει;
Start: 16/4/20🦋