Liliana is an American girl who has returned to her parents' native Argentina. After a strange experience during a visit to Recoleta Cemetery leads her to consult a past life regression therapist, she begins to remember two other lifetimes spent in Argentina- one in which she witnessed the Revolucion de Mayo and the rule of Juan Manuel de Rosas, and another in which she witnessed the rise of Juan and Eva Perón and the chaos afterwards. But more importantly she remembers a sister with whom she has unfinished business and the man they both loved that tore them apart.
Author's note:
Although many of the central characters are fictitious, many others such as the Rosas family, Manuel Belgrano, all of the Perons, Camila O'Gorman, and even oft-forgotten yet fascinating Maria Josefa were all real people who impacted Argentina's history. Despite my limited knowledge and lack of resources being so far outside the country, I've attempted to the best of my ability to remain historically accurate, because to be frank sometimes you just can't make this stuff up, especially when it comes to the private lives of certain Argentine historical figures. The sister-in-law of a great caudillo did in fact give birth to the illegitimate child of one of the country's founding fathers. A poor, illegitimately born actress did become the most powerful woman in Argentina of her era, and a former cabaret dancer became its first (and the world's first) female president soon afterwards. And two of the greatest (though also the most controversial) dictators despite their own campaigns for morality, obedience to the law, and justice did take underaged mistresses after the deaths of their wives as they twisted the meaning of justice. For every morally upright public figure there are private vices; there are no saints without sin, no sinners without some saintliness, and the line between good and evil is severely blurred until one discovers that in reality there is no "right" or "good" side.
Lady Frances Hess sabía que su estatus al ser la cuñada de lord Cholmondeley era algo que le daba ventaja en la región, por eso era tan presumida y arrogante que la mayoría de los caballeros la detestaban, lo que hacía que una propuesta matrimonial se convirtiera en una verdadera hazaña.
Robert Preston, marqués de Winchelsea, autoproclamado nómada había llegado a su próxima parada en Cheshire para conocer el condado y sus maravillas; sin embargo, acabó conociendo a la criatura más petulante de Inglaterra, aunque con un encanto que solo él podía percibir.
¿Sería posible que por fin deseara establecerse en ese condado solo para hacerle tragar su arrogancia a Frances o seguirá su camino dejando atrás a esa bella arpía?