What happens, when you give your everything to a rockstar, does it crash and burn or does it succeed, Mia is a 18 year old girl forced by her stupid mom to become a boy so her mom can save money, but what happens when Mia meets the boys her mom forced her to be pushed into tour with them. What happens if she falls In Love with one of these rock stars? Will she be found out, or will she safely return home and live a life of hell? Her whole life is on line, And her mates only know her as a boy, not a girl, who will know the truth and who will be stuck in a lie? Who will be stuck in a love triangle, and who will just think she's weird for staring at the boys... I'll give you a hint who she falls Inlove with... The one with hair, and just think they all have hair, good luck! -Author CAll Rights Reserved