September 25th, 1964 was a big day for the Salvatore's. Giuseppe Salvatore dead by an unknown force. Damon and Stefan Salvatore shot by their own father. Victoria Salvatore left alone as an orphan and only child. The history books would not speak the Salvatore name after that. Just a birth and death date in town records. Yet, when you listen to the mouth of those who were there, a far different story is sung. Town records say nothing about Victoria Salvatore after that fateful day, yet according to old wives tales she lived there another eighteen years. Grandparents would tell their grandchildren for the next century to behave or they will be forgotten like Victoria Salvatore. However, no one is ever truly lost, especially if you know where to look. A deed to a castle in Scotland. A blurry face front row at a French fashion show. A family seen during the reigning era's of ten different presidents. Mystic Falls buried the oddities of the Salvatore Family and simply marked them down as part of the small town's charm. But how long does it take for charm to become horror? Especially in the breeding place of all supernatural activity { tvd }