Make sure you read the first book, Twilight: Mated Worlds, before you read this, events in this story continue straight after the first book. Now the story continues, with the second instalment of the story. With Cassia now in the hands of the Romanians, Liam will do whatever it takes to get her back and by his side once again. The Volturi now travel Europe in search of clues that will lead them to the location of Cassia. Many twists and turns will take place during this new adventure, but everyone must stay strong. What happens when the Volturi reach France, how far will Liam go in the search to find his imprint and love of his life, and what will the Romanians do now that the Princess of the Volturi is within their clutches. All that to come and more. As always some characters do not belong to me but in this story all events plot points and main characters do.