Hira, Hiroko and Hiroski All Grew Up In Tetra City, All Three Of Them Are 13 Years Old Now And Are Going Through Puberty And High School, Hira Is Having Trouble Making New Friends, Hiroko Is Having Trouble Adjusting To Her New Job At The Kindergarten, And Hiroski Is Having Trouble With Trusting Other People Ever Since Lotso Betrayed Her When She Trusted Him The Most Back At Sunnyside Daycare When They Were 9 Years Old, One Day After School, Hira, Hiroko and Hiroski Are Being Babysit By Jenny's Sister, Jenna Who Like Jenny, Is Very Kind and Nice, She Then Left Because Jenna Had a Job So She Left Her Friend Darcy In Charge (Unknowingly To Jenna and Jenny That Darcy Is Hiro's Ex-Wife), Darcy And Her Son, Hadashi Took Over The House By Making Hira, Hiroko and Hiroski Slaves And Blaming Them For The Damages That Darcy and Hadashi Made, This Made Them Get.... FAIRY GODPARENTS! Hira, Hiroko and Hiroski Got To Share Emily and Donnie Since All Three Of Them Are Miserable Right Now, Which Ironically Emily and Donnie Were Hiro's Fairy Godparents, Later The Whole Family (Including Darcy and Hadashi Because Darcy Revealed To Jenny and Jenna That Hiro Was Her Ex-Husband And That Hadashi Is His Son Still So Technically Darcy and Hadashi Are Still Family) Are Going On a Road Trip, With The Anderson Family With Bonnie Bringing Her New Handcrafted Toy, Forky Who Is a Spork, And Bonnie Brought Her Toys With Her And So Did Hira, Hiroko and Hiroski, But One Night Forky Escaped, So Woody, Lucy and Hira Went After Forky, And Soon They Meetup With Hiro At The Second Chance Antiques Store, Where They Met Gabby Gabby, Luke and Star Who All Three of Them Are Interested In Getting Woody and Lucy's Voice Box.
Note: I Only Own My OCs.
Note: Hira, Hiroko and Hiroski Are 13 Years Old.