Now making about $60k a year working about 4 hours a week, I now have time to tell our story. As a shorter male, with learning disabilities, from an emotionaly dysfunctional family who married a super hot woman who came on to him and wouldn't let him go. Uprooting their lives to move to Mexico to open a restaurant leaving her family who struggled with depression, drug abuse, mental illness. Our families essentially forced us to write our story down to tell the woe world the crazy experiences we've had. From falling in love while working at a restaurant together, to cartel and corrupt politicians being paid off at sketchy hotels in Mexico, to gaining and losing large sums of money, running a business selling 100 dollar bills for $120, doing drugs with dad, losing friends and family to suicide, mothers in insane asylums living in padded rooms getting electro shock therapy, free vacations, struggling with infertility for years, these are just a few things that have happened in our lives that I'm going to share with you. This story is 100% true and should make you laugh, cry, be scared, leave you in shock hopefully eagerly waiting for the next chapter.