Set in a futuristic world where people depend and thrive on steampunk engines, Kenzoku Tanaka lives in Ravenport District. Ravenport is one of the poorest districts, but that doesn't stop the people to live wonderful and happy lives. Kenzoku lives with her younger sister and her friends. It's a wonderful life to live in Ravenport, surrounded by family and friends. That all changes once chaos breaks through the district, a rougue inventor sets off rougue robots, also called Rougues, into the district. Though Ravenport was destroyed and many people were lost, Kenzoku and her friends managed to survive. Now all alone, they must care for their younger siblings and still say out of sight from the Rouges, hunting them down. They recieve help from a lone inventor, even gaining help from one of the most unexpected of people.
7 parts