The first ever story of the Phoenix Knight Saga, featuring many character in a Crossover Universe! Neo Phoenix, a man who struggles in life started his new job as the new Scout in the Team Fortress BLU Team. After several bad attempts, he started to get his life around after befriending Dell Conagher, the Engineer, Renamon, the first Digimon to have a real gender, and Krystal, a blue fox who left the Lylat System, Whom he's developed a crush. However, a sinister man appeared from the shadows to claim not only the Mann Co. lands, but also to take over the world as his empire along with a group of Mercenaries from the previous Team Fortress. Being the only members not taken away, Neo must fight along side his friends against this villain and prove that he is the best Team Fortress Scout. This adventure will have laughs, drama, romance, and a twist!
7 parts