Skydust (the white flier on the cover) has decided early on the great war, that she was no Decepticon and switched sides to the Autobots. There she becomes a team member of the Autobot Femmes The Shield of Cybertron, lead by Elita One. Skydust isn't very cooperative in the beginning and the pink femme head butts a lot until to a point where they become good team mates and at the end, friends.
Artwork done by me (can be found on my IG and deviantart. IG: The.real.skydust and d.A: xtechnology-1)
INFO: Casus is Latin and has many meaning such as:
Chance, fall, accident, adventure, event, fortune, approach and downfall, which are all quiet fitting how the story progresses.
» Talking «
:: Comm ::
› Whispering ‹
Thoughts (in italic)
[ Text Message ]
" quoting „
Skydust belongs to ©Eli Leyn
Transfomers, Elita One, Chromia, Moonracer, Greenlight,Firestar and any other possible upcoming character belongs righfully to ©Hasbro
© 2021 All right reserved
**The Story and every image is owned by ©xtechnology and under Copyright protection.
My stories and Drawings will not be reproduced or used in any form without my permission**
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