In the middle of the winter of 1939, one of the most renowned bounty hunters, who worked under the pseudonym frog, received an assignment from the Nazis. The target was a young man who was open about his homosexuality before the Second World War began. Now he kept a low profile and only information about his whereabouts had disappeared. The principals saw homosexuality as a threat to be extinguished. After all, you fight fire with fire. "The Frog" will have to seduce him in order to get further stays of the infected. Something, however, has been kept away from him.... ---------------------------- Thank you very much for reading my description! Since this story takes place during the Second World War, certain characters express anti-Semitic and homophobic views. I would like to distance myself from this as far as possible. I do not hold any of these opinions! And now that most of the table has been yeeted down, I wish you much fun (or emotions) while reading. /(^-^)/ -finished yaaay ^^ Background of the book cover: