Two individual's are completely different yet exactly the same... In the beginning it's just a game but things change not everything stays the same but their memories are their real enemies because the past still haunts them. The Unknown truth will unravel and it will be extremely painful. The deeper they unknowingly dig, the chaotic things begin to happen. More is behind the curtain, Small things matter, Never judge by just one look, Truth over Lies As the Author I'd like to clarify some things... This is only a story this is not based a true story although it might have some true events of life BUT AGAIN THIS IS JUST A STORY nothing more nothing less. I do not mean any disrespect to the people I am choosing to set as my characters in this story. Everything I write is only of my characters NOT the people who again I picked for the "roles" NOTHING is a fact about these people it is just a STORY. There is various of graphic depictions of violence, strong language, and mature themes, I do not and will not get too detailed because not only does it make me uncomfortable but because I cannot describe their pain to a certain extent. I can say that I am a survivor which is why I'd like to talk about this but thankfully it wasn't too bad or maybe I suppressed my memories I'm not sure but if this helps in some way for some that may have gone through something similar, it'll make me very happy, you may talk to me, I am NO therapist but if your too afraid to talk to some close and get help I am here for you, the last thing I want is for people torturing themselves with memories that we can't control over it's better to let it all out even if that safe feeling is only for a second it's worth it. Throughout this story I did try to keep some humor so hopefully it's not as bad as I just made you think it is. Well I think that's about it so you may continue to read and hopefully you all like it GOOD VIBES :) Sanity :)All Rights Reserved