15 parts Complete MatureIn the bustling halls of college, Yoohyeon-an ordinary girl navigating the challenges of adolescence-finds herself entangled in an unexpected tale of love and mischief. As the narrator of her own story, she unveils the intricacies of her daily routine and the quirky dynamics of her family. Little does she suspect that her world is about to be turned upside down with the arrival of the new Biology teacher, Kim Jiu.
A momentary distraction leads to an assignment, setting the stage for a journey she never anticipated. Amidst the backdrop of teenage pranks and laughter, a mischievous water incident in the restroom sparks a daring bet.
Propelled by the audacious challenge, Yoohyeon becomes determined to make the enigmatic teacher fall under her spell. Little does she fathom the twists and turns her life is about to take.