George, who had been bullied since he was 11. He have depression when he was 8, after his dad died, and his mother started to drink. The fact that made things worse is, his mother never came back home on his 15th birthday. He had to move in with his friends Wilbur, Tommy and Dave.
Right now, Phil, Wilbur, Tommy and Dave's dad is working at a famous company. Dave moved to go to Collage, Wilbur is in MC High with Tommy and George. Wilbur is a grade higher than George, and George is a grade higher than Tommy. So there is no chance they have the same class, and they usually hang out at home, after school.
Wilbur and Tommy didn't know that George had depression, before they could find out George got enough money and moved into a new home.
That new home, and school was worse than George thought, he was bullied by Clay, Nick, Alex... but 2 people in their group, Karl and Darryl were nice to him. George was tired of bullying, and one thing he remembered what his dad told him as a kid, was this witch. Who lives in the forest, she lives not too far from George... and she can make deals.
George decided to go there so he could make a deal... the deal didn't go as good as he thought i'd be.
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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