I had been sitting in a metal chair, alone in this fucking room for at least 45 minutes at this point. I knew those smug bastards were sitting behind the door waiting and waiting, hoping by the time they came back I would be ready to talk. But they were wrong.
I might be in a sticky situation but what they don't know is how truly stubborn I can be.
I heard the doorknob jiggle and when I looked up I saw a short, poorly built, bald man walking in the door. He was wearing a pair of black pants and a wrinkly white shirt, and as he walked closer I noticed a small brown stain by his collar. Disgusting, he can't even feed himself properly.
"Ah, Ms. Gracelyn, how are you this afternoon?" I just sat there, watching him, waiting for him to say more.
"Not talking to me today I see. That's okay, we have time. You see, right now we are in a very secluded location, one not many people know of. Do you know why that is?"
I scoffed, "No, but I am assuming it can't be very legal officer. You know, I think my lawyer will love to hear about how I was taken from my hotel, with no warrant, and brought to an unknown location. Somewhere I was denied any access to a phone, -water, food, or hell, I didn't even get a toilet."
"Well, considering the chances of you getting out here are slim, I'm not too worried. You see, we have been trying for months to get to you, and now that we have you we can't just let you go. It wouldn't make any sense, do you see the dilemma?"
I sat quiet for a few minutes, thinking about how i got into this mess in the first place. How I went from being a girl with a quiet life to sitting in a cold room, waiting to die. How if I could change one small thing I wouldn't be here. But would I want to? Does this outweigh all the good? I finally responded, "He won't let you get away with this. He will come for me."
"Oh doll, I'm counting on it."
He left me, I cried for him everyday hoping this was all a joke and he'd come back, but no he left. I trained hard making sure that my bow and arrow skills stayed bright, fueling my work with anger. I have mastered everything and I refuse to forgive him, I hate him. My anger grows more everyday as my sadness dissapears. The argument that started it will also end it he doesn't love me and I refuse to be a fan of his. So if he does care he would come and find me only he doesnt care and never will.
These are my thoughts, but not my wishes. I want him to care, but I don't want him to find out why. He can't save me from my thoughts they are mind after all. Noone can or will know because they will send me away. My thoughts they tell me to do unspeakeable things, but they disapear when he is around, they don't like him, they are afraid of him. That's why I try to stay a respectable distance from him. My thoughts are dark, but they don't control me, I control them, I can get them to stop in fact I already have, they only fuel up when I'm angry or upset.
"Why can't you tell me?" He yelled. "Because if I do then you'll leave me!" I yelled back. That is right he will leave and make sure they take you away. I covered my ears the voices they were back. "Shut up." I dropped to my knees. He ran to me. "What is wrong?" I looked at him as the voices stopped and hugged him. This was my guardian and it all started the day he came back,
Came back for me.