"Let me go!. You sons of pig.Help! Help! Somebody help me please. Let me go. " "Shut up your mouth. Be quite. Cover her eyes and gag her mouth. Be careful don't leave any mark on her. She must flawless when she participate in hunt. " the leader stated. "God please help me." she prayed silently in dark corner of a van. How come my life so simple and peaceful become so terror? What the hell is hunt? Why this people hunt? Who will be hunt? ************************************ "What's wrong master? What happen? You look like shit." Ax worried as soon as he open his master office door and see his face like he lost in battle. "Ax the hunt will begin next month. We need to participate. We cannot lose in this fucking hunt. You need to prepare. " "We get a good hunt last time it is hosted. Arrow got a second prize and and nice head what's the worry? " "This time Ax your the one who will enter the hunt. This hunt is different this time. Bring a beautiful head" "Yes master. "All Rights Reserved