The 32-plant Hydroponic starter Kit allows you to experience hydroponic farming at your home, and now you can grow leafy greens at home and work with hydroponic systems on a small scale as a home garden. With this system, you can grow 32 plants using 4 NFT channels in just one sq meter of space where you can produce good leafy greens for your home and an attached 20 liters water Reservoir. 1. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) 2. Hydroponics starter kits 3.32 planter hydroponic kit Hydroponic Kit - NFT Channels-32Planter The 32-plant Hydroponic starter Kit allows you to experience hydroponic farming at your home, and now you can grow leafy greens at home and work with hydroponic systems on a small scale as a home garden ( hydroponic garden). With this system, you can grow 32 plants using 4 NFT channels in just one sq meters of space where you can produce good leafy greens for your home and an attached 20 liters water Reservoir. Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) Hydroponics starter kits 32 planter hydroponic kit unboxing the system Set up time 30 mins 1-2 persons for assembly hammer and millet System contains Base Frame X 2 NFT X 4 Leg bar X 2 Reservoir X 1 channel holder X 8 Inlet Pipe X 1 Outlet Pipe X 1 Net Pots X 32 Connectors X 3 Submersible Pump X 1 Jiffy Plug X 32 Nutrient Solution 500 X 2 Seed packet X 5All Rights Reserved