Heyy my name is Jazmine Jayleen Brown, but people call me Jazz, I'm 11 years old...I'm a foster kid the only one I have is my best friend Cindy, I was put in a girls home when I was a baby.. the only thing I was left with was my birth certificate and a picture of mom, dad, my 2 brothers and sisters, and me.. you know what I hate the most.. is being called a orphan.. im not a orphan, im a foster kid, I have a family.. but I guess I was too much to handle.. I need to really get out of here, I shouldn't be here, I should be out there just like all the other kids, you know what I mean?? I'm going to find my Family!
Hi my name is Synthia Maria Anderson , but I like being called Cindy, I'm 11 years old. My best Friend is Jazz, she's been there for me since I came into the girls home, I'm also a foster child, My Mom was brought back to Jamaica and my dad died in a house fire with my other 2 sisters (Aaleeya and Destiny) they were around my age when they died, Jazz is like a sister to me, and she is all I Need!
P.s >Next "chapter" is the beginning of the story, Enjoy :)
"You do know how to eat a burger, right?"
Summer rolled her eyes, looking up at him with feigned exasperation. "Of course I do," she retorted, then lowered her voice as she leaned in, her expression shifting to one of genuine concern. "Do you think they have a fork and knife? So I can, you know... cut it?"
Robby Keene x fem!oc
cobra kai season 3-6