Title:- Eternal love
After the unfortunate death of Pierson Laurent,
Alora's mother and Richard heather first love and wife.
Devastated by his wife's death, he ends up marrying Pierson's sister, lexi.
Lexi is a divorced woman with a daughter, chloe.
Years after years, chloe's and her mother want nothing but to make sure Alora stays out of picture.
Chloe has always been the ideal daughter but not Alora.
Alora is a naive, shy, nerdy girl.
Whereas chloe is bold, but also cunning too.
In the war of lust for greed, chloe ends up doing many nasty things, with no remorse.
On alora's 21st, chloe drugged Alora left her in a hotel room with a stranger, eventually knowing Alora's supposed to get married.
Later finding out alora's pregnant with a stranger's baby.
After years of trying, chloe successfully made sure Alora is not anymore in the frame.
But does it really ends here?
Join me in the journey of Alora Laurent , which is not so easy and more filled with twists.