In the world of Guildian, Demons are a plague among humans. They reside in caves, wells, and cellars, and latch themselves onto any unsuspecting child's shadow, waiting for the moment that the child's body is strong enough and old enough to be taken over. Unfortunately for these demons, they are only able to take over the child's body when the moon is out. Still, they find a way to feed and kill, wreaking havoc upon the world. Ida is the daughter of a Duke. Her father shielded her from the inevitable danger that demons posed, and never allowed her to leave their estate as a child. She was trained to kill demons, gifted with a black blade made to do so. Now, she is safe within the walls of her home. It isn't until she visits the royal family that everything changes. Because of an unfortunate and dangerous event, she has no other choice but to leave her kingdom, and face the real world, putting all of her training and preparation to the test. Will she survive?