15 parts Complete Yuri Kyoko, a well-liked teenage girl in her second year of high school, is known for her striking features. With her mesmerizing long white hair, pale complexion, and captivating violet eyes, she effortlessly captures attention wherever she goes. Many boys in her class have mustered up the courage to confess their feelings to her, only to be met with rejection. Unfortunately, this has led some to perceive Yuri as cold and indifferent, when in reality, she is anything but. In addition to being a popular student, Yuri also holds the esteemed position of student body president at Miyaji Academy. However, there is one person who remains an enigma to her - Sakura Miyagi, a fellow classmate. Sakura, with her short blonde hair and nerdy glasses, appears to be a loner with no friends. Yet, beneath this seemingly solitary exterior, Sakura harbours a secret. This is a tale of how two individuals, seemingly from different worlds, embark on a journey to truly understand one another.