Rouge Ishigami Is the son of the world-renowned detectives, Hideki and Quin Ishigami. He was trained to be the police force's secret weapon and finish the cases his parents don't have the time for. This time he is sent to work at the Tres Spades Hotel, however, things don't go as planned. His dreams, determination, and love all shroud the path his parents set out for him. --------------------------- WARNINGS: MAY CONTAIN NSFW, TRIGGERING CONTENT AS WELL AS SWEARING. --------------------------- Will probably update whenever I get bored and yes, this is a self-insert fic because why not. Honestly, this is purely written for my entertainment but feel free to read. :3 --------------------------- - Side note, I do adore Hideki but for the sake of my story, he's gonna have to have a character change of sorts. ---------------------------