Delilah lost everything. Her best friend since birth. She lost her father. She lost her mother. It was just her. And it felt as though, nobody understood. How could anybody understand? The physical and mental pain she forced herself to go through was inexplainable. "Then why did she force herself at all," you might ask. Because this main character, Delilah Wesley, knew it was either her or her mom. She already lost her mom to drugs and alcohol, but she wasn't willing to lose her for real. She knew that if her mom didn't take her pain out on someone else, she would do it to herself. Delilah knew she wouldn't be able to handle it.
Zavan Carter is a happy boy, but not without a broken past. Losing someone you know you once loved, but no longer remember, is one of the worst pains Zavan knows. But over the years, he learned to ignore it. He didn't think it mattered what he felt by it. He thought nobody would care. He convinced everyone that he was okay and eventually, he started to convince himself the same.
Then, he found his way to Delilah. He knew her name before, but he didn't know her. He wanted to know her. He always thought she was beautiful. But when Khalil, his best friend, gets in the way, Zavan doesn't know who to believe.
Zavan's hurtful past leads to a loss of trust for everyone, including Delilah.
Delilah's broken memories lead to a loss of forgiveness for everyone, including Zavan.
A broken girl and a bruised boy.
What could go wrong?
Pronunciation of Characters:
Delilah (pronounced: duh - lie - luh)
Zavan (pronounced: zae - ven)
Khalil (pronounced: kuh - lil)
Tavi (pronounced: tohh- vee)
Angel (pronounced: aye - nn - jull)
Camryn (pronounced: cam - rin)
Britney (pronounced: brit- nee)
Ryler (pronounced: rye - ler)
Tiara (pronounced: tea - air - uh)
Renee (pronounced: ruh- nay)
De'Andre (pronounced: dee - on - dray)
Yuri (pronounced: yer - ee)
Katie (pronounced: kay- tea)