**#3 IN #religious** Jane Nilsen had the life she always wanted. A father figure, Marvo Ronetti, who loved her like his own daughter, a live-in best friend, Illiana Ronetti, and countless people to support her in her endeavors. Why should she ever need more? When she meets Aaron Garish, a beautiful, tall, blonde haired man, things start to happen. Visions, a woman in white, a prophecy, but what does it all mean? Secrets have never made friends, and these secrets are no different. Were they kept for the right reasons? Or, at the end of the day, was it selfishness that was the culprit? Now, a freshman at Bartley College with her best friends Illiana Ronetti and Nadia Willard by her side, the three start their journey to self discovery. Meeting new people, building new relationships, all while finding out... interesting facts about their family histories.