These are my shorter writing pieces. Not all of them are from the Kirev universe, but most fiction pieces will be compatible with it. I write everything from short stories to poetry to essays. Stay tuned!
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Remember to comment and vote for the pieces you enjoy! Any and all feedback is appreciated.
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Cover art by Mysticsartdesign on Pixabay.
Header art by @limbousine on Discord (To Draw a Mep), my family's personal photo collection (Knots, Kindling), and OneGo, 12019, <unknown>, Bertsz, 652234, Andy_Bay, Quadronet_Webdesign, ekamelev, adonyig, kienvirak, kherp, Tama66, Arcturian, eommina, efes, Dlee, affenhans, ponce_photography, efes, ractapopulous, PixTreats, Erdenebayar, 5598375, 652234, klimkin, <unknown>, TEREX12, Andrys, and NaviRamyle on Pixabay.