In this Log, it takes place during the "Occupation" of the Moon and Peking, as they are both in different times, the Recordings are new and old as the Recordings are set on the Moon and Peking in their times. Countries: Geraunn Empire Republic of Saguria [Secretly supplying The True Lunarians for their Freedom] Geryousei [Only stationed troops on both the Moon and Peking] Germimay [Stationed only mining factories on the Moon and Peking to collect Lunar Dust, leaving an exception of a a Company] Lunar Capital Albyakurenian Characters: Roy Sünde Erika Sommer [Geryousei Medic] Major Caroline Sommer [Geryouseian Mother of Erika Sommer, becoming part of the 27th Hell Raven Corps once Erika was born] Captain Kara Salt [A Geraunnian Soldier that decided to join the 27th Hell Raven Corps, under Command from Major Caroline Sommer] "Seether" [A Lunarian survivor of the invasion, joined the Geraunny Army for safety] Kira Temple [Patchgarian Sniper] Rüra in Kurtz [Germimay Sniper] Erika Yagokoro [Geraunny Scientist and Nurse stationed on the Moon and Peking] Karl Crüe [Geraunny Commander stationed on the Moon] Kalinka Larionov [Replacement Commander for Karl Crüe on Peking, originally from the collapsing Dorussia] Factions: The True Lunarians [Seen on a limited scale on the Moon] The Mondhymne [Formed up of mostly Lunarians and Moon Rabbits bred from the Geraunn Empire] 27th Hell Raven Corps [Entirely made up of suitable Personal, modified into Hell Ravens to acquire their Wings] The Freedom Fighters [Originally remains of the True Lunarians, they would return to fight for Freedom, as it would be on a lower scale on Peking as the main force was on Alamo] The Loyalists [HRC Members that still serve] The Defects [HRC Members that joined the Remnants]All Rights Reserved