This is not a work of fiction. Wait up... maybe it is. Unfortunately, circumstances imposed upon me long ago currently inhibit the ability required to determine which side the pendulum might truly rest. Of course it is possible that the pendulum may never truly settle, well not during the term of mine present Physical anyway. Not that I find that overly important. Time is not one of my three acknowledged enemies. Those most personal and innate attributes, which were so rudely prevented me this Physical, remain mine own. They endure to this day integral to mine Nature and will again re-assert their selves during mine next Physical. And if by some reason not amid that Physical, then those there after. For those who believe they hold just one shot at life, as dismissive, limiting, foolish and discouraging as that may sound, who knows, maybe it is you who is correct. I can say with absolute certainty that I created this story based upon images that existed within mine own mind's eye during its creation. I can also say with near certainty that if the characters in this story are representative of real Life Forms, as originally expressed by their selves, and I am not saying that this is so, just as I am not saying that this is not so, not one will issue dispute over my choice to include them. What cannot be said with certainty, absolute or near, is whether the following are memories of a life long past, the semblance of a life yet to live - somehow cast back from a distant future by persons or Beings, as yet indeterminate, or simply the consequence of mine own slightly overactive imagination. Please feel free to decide this matter for your self, as indeed did I during its creation. Grant Leigh.All Rights Reserved
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