While writing First GaiiM Set and Met the question came to me, what order should these stories be read?
In explanation,
WiZiD1 SEGrEGATiON iMPOSItION is the first story written and the second story published on Wattpad.
First GaiiM Set and Met occurs after WiZiD1 SEGrEGATiON iMPOSItION; both reference WiZiD's existence; respectively one at a TiiM post his life where his physical was known as Jaiiq and one at a time two times prior his present life.
DoBaT RiiT of Relocation is, at this point the final story of the four. It is the culmination of everything I have come to understand; having perhaps the clearest, most direct, and simplistic definitions of those concepts used in earlier works. DoBaT RiiT of Relocation relates directly to WiZiD's present life.
WiZiD1 SEGrEGATiON iMPOSItION to WiZiD's life at the moment he, then known as Jaiiq, arrived on this World he calls DoBaT.
First GaiiM Set and Met relates directly to the Ethereal TiiM between.
I hope that helps. Beyond that I would like to think that it does not really matter in what order these stories are read but that is just me and I have the fortunate or some might say the less than fortunate ability to see the overall picture.