Harry got a mgical sex change (so she can still have kids and Harry was a transvestite) and became Rose La Rue (her mom's, dad's, dad;s grandmother's maiden name) moved to Pheonix, Arizona, finished her education and became an artist. Rose has a minor seer ability so she gets feelings anout things sometimes. Before she left England, Rose paid back Gringotts for the damages she caused when she had to get the Hufflepuff cup and when she took their dragon to escape, and withdrew all her money from the bank and opened an account in Sweden (dwarves run it and will make sure no one will take her money from her). Rose cut most ties to the magical world because she was sick of them and how they treated her. She gained custody of Teddy (his full name is tedrick in this story and his birthday in this story is 11/27/87). She found out she had drugged and tricked by Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Dumbledore, Molley Weasly and McGonagall. Rose was also born in 1970 to go with the story. Clarrise was born 05/17/91 and she's a squib but she knows about magic. Fred is alive but he is paralyzed from the waist down, but he's still just as awesome as ever. Fred and George also moved to New York City to open another branch and they come to visit Rose and Teddy a lot. Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and/or Harry Potter.All Rights Reserved