Poem about depicting rains by a sad lover
Stanza 1
"Sweet tears falling down the heaven" here resembles the rain drops falling down, from the gentle sky leaving the poet deep into his thoughts.
"Pacing my heart more than I desire;" here means the rain drops falling down the heaven are so adorable, making the poet's heart beat much faster as if he was admiring his love itself.
"Ostendering His love to the carnations that faded," is said here as the poet feels, the rain drops are a bundle of new hopes for the faded flowers that failed to bloom.
"Though, I never kiss and tell, here I stand to be a liar." Here this means, poet thinks that only he knows this secret of Him (God) and disclosing his secret makes him a liar here. 'I never kiss and tell' is a figure of speech to keep a secret.
Stanza 2
"Naive could I be in the subject of love," means that the poet thinks that he is an unexperienced person in the subject of love.
"Blind I might be in the world of His;" here refers to the darkness taking over the light due to the rains.
"Dull and gloomy the sky became,
Stare of yours is all that I miss." Here he tries to focus on the darkness and the love he possesses for his love and the way she looked into his eyes.
Stanza 3
"Take my heart, Oh! Take my hand,
Like an ocean takes, with it, the dirty sand;" he says because he thinks, in nature, its impossible for the ocean waves to return without taking the sand with it, and for him to live, he wants her to accept his love.
"Take my mind, Oh! Take my pain,
While my soul feels the rain." Here it means is, the poet is in pain without her and he wants her to take it away as he admires the rain.
"We're living different lives, heaven only knows,
Thinking 'bout you, is what I only do;" this means that everyone spends their lives in different ways and he does it by thinking about her.
"Closing my pearls to feel the breeze,
All I could see is the picture of you." Closing his eyes, all he could see is her picture.