Only when the heat of it lessens and the fire doesn't look so bright behind his closed eyes does Ryan warily drop his arm and cast his gaze over his surroundings. Instead of surveying a torched room or witnessing his room set alight Ryan is greeted to the sight of a man kneeling parallel to him on the other side of his makeshift altar. "Summoning demons is a sure way to put one foot in the grave" is the first thing out of the strangers mouth. Ryan opens and closes his mouth in a bid to find words for kneeling on the other side of the altar is indeed a man. It's a jarring sight no doubt about it, although this is an afterthought as Ryan's muddled mind tries to decode the stranger's words, feeling much like he's missing something obvious in his bewilderment. "Demons?" is what comes out in the end his voice cracking on the word. ////// Three times Ryan Bergara's dive into modern witchcraft leads to an unplanned demon summoningAll Rights Reserved