If you're like myself, whenever you ask for advice on glowing up, you hear the same thing over and over again. Cut out all sugary foods. Workout religiously. Get magical skin. Have a perfect morning routine. Do a face mask and paint your nails. Become "that girl" (or boy). But after trying to do these things and failing, I've come to the conclusion that if you're seeking to glow up, you still can without having to kill yourself every morning trying to be unrealistically perfect. I've also learned that glowing up should not just be physical; it should be physical, mental, and spiritual. And if you're looking to glow up in all of these aspects, this book is for you. In this book I'll cover how you can realistically improve yourself in these three topics and become a better you. This is my second ongoing book, and I hope you enjoy. Let me know your ideas, comments, and results in the comments. Now what are you waiting for? Press Chapter one and start your journey!