A Jelsa fanfiction.
The story mostly focuses on Jack's point of view.
Jack - not knowing how to be brave enough to fall in love because he feared of the heartbreak that he seems to constantly feel from years and years of being an immortal.
The story sets 400 years after he became the now Jack Frost, but his heart is left in a time about 100 years after he became the infamous Jack Frost. Where, and When he actually fell in love, for the first time.
Hi everyone~! This is my first story (on Wattpad), and attempt in writing a Jelsa fiction. Ok, I may be a little late in catching the Jelsa train, but I've always loved the idea of Jack and Elsa being together, and recently (yesterday) I googled up some stories. I even followed the comic on Deviant!
So, I hope my story wouldn't run away from their characters, but at the same time, I want to make my own Jack Frost, and Elsa Arendelle.
Excuse my spelling, and my grammar, and I hope you'd enjoy.